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Use the form on the right to contact us.

Giddy Goat is always happy to hear new ideas … but really can’t make any promises.

North Wales

07976 677052


We make content: Radio, TV, online. Sometimes it's funny deliberately

Other times by accident.

About Us



Giddy Goat Productions was set up to enable the production of interesting projects with interesting people. So far, we seem to be managing to do what we intended.

The company was founded by Steve Doherty (pictured, left) whose previous production credits include The News Quiz (BBC R4), The News Huddlines (BBC R2), All The Young Dudes (BBC R4), Have I Got News For You (Hat Trick for BBC1), Never Mind The Buzzcocks (Talkback for BBC2) and A Child's Christmases in Wales (Boom Cymru for BBC4, BBC2 and BBC1 Wales).

This site stores  information about the company's output since its foundation in 2013.

We have started to work with freelance producers (including international names such as Colin Anderson and Lucy Armitage), technical staff and writers, bringing new work to the eyes and ears of audiences around the world.

We are always open to new ideas from new people. We like making things happen.